Welcome to the Waltham Forest Bonsai Club
The club was founded in 1981 by Valerie Butcher & Edna Crutchlow.
Club meetings are held throughout the year and provide lectures, workshops and demonstrations on the art of Bonsai. These range from the very basics to more advanced techniques and therefore cater for all levels of experience. We are a very friendly and informal club and new members are always welcome. Members usually bring in trees for discussion and display at the club meetings, and by informal discussions with other more experienced growers much can be learnt that is not covered in books or on the Internet. Various competitions and shows are held during the year.

"A Bonsai, I had one once but it died"
Talk to anyone about Bonsai then this is the most common phrase you will hear.
Probably the most likely reason people lose their first Bonsai is because they purchase an indoor Bonsai from a local garden centre. These are usually tropical or sub-tropical varieties such as Sageretia, Pomegranate, Serissa or Chinese Elm. It is very difficult in a centrally heated house to provide and maintain the correct environment, and particularly the right levels of humidity that these trees require. Consequently most of these trees will eventually die.
Also Bonsai, like any other plants, can die for a variety of reasons: over watering, under watering, not enough light, etc., so if you have lost a tree and would like to know why it died, come along to one of our club meetings and talk to some of our members. We may be able to shed some light on problems you have had keeping a Bonsai. Better still, come and find out how to look after it so that it doesn't die.
Next Meeting
Beginners Workshops
Are you new to Bonsai? Do you need help with repotting and pruning, or just general advice on how to care for your tree? Then come along to one of our workshops. There are several throughout the year.
See Club Meetings for dates and times. You don't have to join the club. If you are a non member it will only cost £5 per workshop and you will receive a lot of expert help and advice.